about us

our mission

at Squibble, we believe in the transformative power of design that’s accessible, reliable, and flexible. our mission is to bridge the gap between premium design quality and affordability. whether you’re an early-stage startup  or an established brand, our subscription-based service ensures you never compromise on design excellence. driven by dedication, flexibility, and a commitment to understand your unique challenges, Squibble aspires to be the one-stop solution for all your design needs, today and tomorrow.

meet the designer behind the scene

a photo of the founder June Jung, sitting down and looking off to the side.

hello! welcome to Squibble. my name is june, and i am the founder and designer behind the curtain. i have assisted companies of various sizes, from early-stage startups to corporates with over 5,000 employees, as a product designer specializing in user experience design.

i founded Squibble because i believe that design should be both accessible and reliable. while working with freelancers can save money, they often lack dedication and the expertise required. meanwhile, hiring a full-time in-house designer can be costly, with salaries for senior-level designers typically ranging between $100,000 to $250,000.

my goal is to help you and your company bring your product vision to life without the six-figure price tag. all too often, companies delay hiring a designer due to financial constraints, which can ultimately be more costly. from my personal experiences, i've often been brought in as a last-minute solution to resolve design issues. i wanted to offer a proactive solution to this challenge.

Squibble provides a reliable design service with a flexible subscription model that you can adjust depending on your design needs' ebbs and flows.

currently, i am the sole designer providing all the services. that means when you submit a design request, you'll be working directly with me. however, i'm on a mission to make Squibble a comprehensive design resource. I am working towards assembling a full team of senior-level designers specializing in ui/ux, graphic design, and motion graphics/animation, so Squibble can truly cater to all your design requirements.

i am keen on understanding your challenges to serve you better. if you have any feedback or suggestions, please send an email to jungdesignagency@gmail.com. i value every piece of input, so don't hesitate to share. i deeply appreciate your support and the trust you place in Squibble to cater to your design needs.

with love,
june j.

future services

we have a lot of exciting things coming. some of the services that we are working to launch are:

webflow development

ux research

3d art

graphic design

motion graphics

if you would like to be notified of the new service launch, please provide your email below. we will add you to our private newsletter.